François Oehler

François Oehler
Title : President / Scientific landscape director

After studying biology at university, he studied modelling of the nitrogen cycle on a catchment scale at the Cemagref in Rennes, in collaboration with INRA. Doctor of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Rennes (ENSAR), a Grande Ecole for life and environmental sciences and technologies, he completed a PhD at ECOLAB in Toulouse. He was then a researcher at the NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric research) in New Zealand where he transferred "advanced" digital methods to the water quality field (machine learning / data mining, confidence intervals…). It is applicable with computing clusters. He is today the scientific environmental modeller of the NIWA.

Role : Management, development and application of the TNT2 model. Development of new modelling methods on water quality using a « machine learning » approach. Implementation and maintenance of calculation methods.