Studying the method of atmospheric dispersal of a pollutant.
Sizing and optimising the methanisation, bio-drying and composting process.
Simulating a bioreactor's aeraulics.
Defining the effective parameters of a porous media from pictures obtained by X-ray computed tomography.
These are some typical applications that SCHEME is able to model and simulate.
An important field of SCHEME's activity is modelling reactive transport in a porous medium. In other words, the simulation of fluid flows of various origins in porous media and the chemical and/or biological transformations deriving from it. These transformations are caused by the interactions between the components of the different medium stages or the components of the fluids considered. The mathematical models resulting from the study of these various strongly coupled phenomena are solved using complex simulators called «Multi-physical Computational Fluid Dynamics». These tools enable us to achieve simulations and conceptualisations relating to the environment and process engineering research such as: bioreactors (e.g. industrial composting, methanisation, bio-drying), bioflitration, fixed-bed gasification, the transfer of pollutants in the groundwater, etc.
To be able to solve these issues SCHEME uses the OpenFOAM solver (Open Field Operation And Manipulation). It is a multi-physical and open source toolbox mainly aimed at solving fluid mechanic equations, using the finite volume method. This solver is encoded in C++ (object-oriented programming) and has parallelism tools that allow it to take into account complex 3D geometry.