Agro-hydrological Catchment Modelling under the Green Algae Issue in Brittany

- Implementation of the TNT2 model on the 14 "green algae" catchments

- Testing scenarios of the modification of agricultural practices to be able to determine their impact on nitrate concentration in streams

SCHEME was appointed by the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) in Rennes to calibrate and implement the TNT2 agro-hydrological model on catchments under the green algae issue. Thanks to this approach, the 2006 European litigation on drinking water intakes exceeding the limit of authorised nitrate concentration in Brittany was avoided.
The concerned catchments are those of Frémur, Gouessant, Urne, Gouet, Ic, Douron, Horn, Guillec, Quillimadec, Kerharo, Lapic, Ris, St Laurent, Moros.

Today, SCHEME has very efficient models on these lands and can now rapidly assess the impact of change scenarios. Therefore, we are perfectly capable of participating in projects on the anticipation and control of water quality for the next 10 to 50 years.

The expertise results cannot be communicated for now as a second study phase is being elaborated.